

Reply to
Kristen Marie

Shout out to all the PBMSers still paying attention - if you have a skype, let me know ASAP. We are starting a group chat there since facebook chat has been uncooperative and not everyone has iRC.

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Status update

Wait, everyone has a browser, right? The whole point of putting the irc channel on a webpage was so everyone could get at it ... (also, I have skype, same name, but I never use it).

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Touya Touya added Relsqui as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Relsqui joined
a long time ago
Reply to
Boom and Bust

Complete the sentence "I'll always remember Glitch for..." in 140 characters or less (longer contributions welcome too! See, and see what others have posted -

6 replies

Status update

Oh that's really, really beautiful. Very nice work. I added like four. :)

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Relsqui reached level 49
a long time ago