

I draw things on my wall


Status update

It's hard to create a world out of nothing when we are flooded with real world noise all the time. I respect that.

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We did spend some resources on advertising. But we had poor, poor, poor retention from new players. We had next to zero organic growth. It's not just about getting your name out there if the people who try the game don't even stick with it. Our dedicated players turned out to be a very very very small minority of the players that actually tried the game. And for this game to at least break even, we had to do something like 15-20x the player numbers we had. That's a huge jump. I really don't think anything could have helped outside of making some huge fundamental changes to the game itself. And THAT'S what would've cost us a more than we could afford.

8 replies

Status update

I still think that a chill out game like this still have some potential. Like journey had. A place to chill out, hangout, discover yourself, open-less experiment, glitch had all of that in the beginning, it was a wonder world, then furniture and strange houses came, and it started to become something to not wonder about anymore. It was just work and busy people doing pointless mainstream virtual things. I don't blame anyone. I just want to say, you guys touched there, you were close, people will remember, will miss, something will come up after this experiment.

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arizoo joined Game of Crowns
a long time ago
Transcendental Radiation III arizoo finished learning the Transcendental Radiation III skill
a long time ago


bit o' Ur - secrets special ed. (copy#110)
Everyone is making a line in Loimi Linger just to fill their jars at this amazing never ending swarm of fireflies.

Kevbob was caught planting yellow crumb for malevolent plans! He left just moments after this photo, leaving behind a dangerous axe.

With winter coming, we spent 5 days in the cold mountains searching for caverns where adventurous Glitches could make a fire to keep their little fingers and toes warm while staying hidden from the rooks or, perhaps, other Glitches.

Hunting for icons? There are some really cool things you can donate to Giants, if you use EHSP, a garden gnome can give 600 favor points, something like 10 caterpillars gives 1500 and with just one cubimal box you will get 1500 favor points from the giants.

Thanks for reading this special edition.
Staff: Vera Strange, Arizoo.
Special thanks to: Lord Bacon-o, Millie, Acreditando, mira gaia maia and varaeth.
UrZine n?3 (copy"15)
I give waffles! You give whatever! That's how Otto Otto started a successful trading business in cerbakul.

Alien invasion spotted in Gregarious Grange! We don't know how they got there, there's no spaceship in sight, but we bet they are trying to get their papers and blend in with the crowd... Or maybe they're just frogs? Yoga frog refused to comment.

Winter is here and we're all feeling a bit sleepy. Whether you've run out of those "quick 'n' easy" achievements or your skills are taking forever to finish, it's time to shake off the funk and start collecting again! Photographic evidence has Glitchen gathering in yet to be seen streets which can only mean one thing... projects are coming soon!

If you missed it, check out the Glitch Blog to learn more about the cool things they're getting ready for us!

Thanks for reading this edition.
Staff: Vera Strange, Arizoo and special thanks to Zog and otto otto.
Bit o'Ur (n?1) copy#36
What's the rush? There are trees for everyone to climb!

The new hot tub in Callopee has steamy vapors that will even clean all that mining dust from your pores!

A Glitch fights for a better world for children! Who knew a fruit infestation could be so beautiful?

Faereluth was just about to catch up to Kevbob when he up and died. He was dead tired!

Rook sighted in the skies over Oktyabrya, yet the good Cap'n Kelvs and his merry adventurers party on.

Thanks for reading first edition of Bit o?Ur
Staff: Vera Strange, mira gaia maia , goodstory, arizoo.
Special thanks to: Faereluth
BOU - January issue
Creative BOU (Bit o'Ur) issue for January

One of the reasons I started BOU is because I like new things, specially new ways of doing the same old things, that's why this is writen on paper instead of a blog, and it's also available in auctions so anyone can buy it and put it inside their pockets.

I bet many of you don't know about the lost blog, the one with some amazing pieces of work that didn't made the final cut for this game.

The Russian girl behind some of the most beautiful locations in glitch, like Cerbakul and Kristel_Kaos, continues to create some amazing and yammy work. &

Something that reminds me a lot about glitch is the recent work of David Lanham, really unique and colorful stuff.

And at last, jojo5000 the most popular guy with a beard is puting everyone in wonder with his mysterious outfit, who is he?

Thanks for reading this issue,
BOU wants you!
BOU magazine wants you! yup, you, join our group, make a quick search for BOU and join us.

It's easy and you can read some of the old issues there ;D
bit o' Ur - secrets special ed. (copy#69)
Everyone is making a line in Loimi Linger just to fill their jars at this amazing never ending swarm of fireflies.

Kevbob was caught planting yellow crumb for malevolent plans! He left just moments after this photo, leaving behind a dangerous axe.

With winter coming, we spent 5 days in the cold mountains searching for caverns where adventurous Glitches could make a fire to keep their little fingers and toes warm while staying hidden from the rooks or, perhaps, other Glitches.

Hunting for icons? There are some really cool things you can donate to Giants, if you use EHSP, a garden gnome can give 600 favor points, something like 10 caterpillars gives 1500 and with just one cubimal box you will get 1500 favor points from the giants.

Thanks for reading this special edition.
Staff: Vera Strange, Arizoo.
Special thanks to: Lord Bacon-o, Millie, Acreditando, mira gaia maia and varaeth.
bit o' Ur - secrets special ed. (copy#183)
Everyone is making a line in Loimi Linger just to fill their jars at this amazing never ending swarm of fireflies.

Kevbob was caught planting yellow crumb for malevolent plans! He left just moments after this photo, leaving behind a dangerous axe.

With winter coming, we spent 5 days in the cold mountains searching for caverns where adventurous Glitches could make a fire to keep their little fingers and toes warm while staying hidden from the rooks or, perhaps, other Glitches.

Hunting for icons? There are some really cool things you can donate to Giants, if you use EHSP, a garden gnome can give 600 favor points, something like 10 caterpillars gives 1500 and with just one cubimal box you will get 1500 favor points from the giants.

Thanks for reading this special edition.
Staff: Vera Strange, Arizoo.
Special thanks to: Lord Bacon-o, Millie, Acreditando, mira gaia maia and varaeth.
Bit o' Ur - n?1 (copy#203)
What's the rush? There are trees for everyone to climb!

The new hot tub in Callopee has steamy vapors that will even clean all that mining dust from your pores!

A Glitch fights for a better world for children! Who knew a fruit infestation could be so beautiful?

Faereluth was just about to catch up to Kevbob when he up and died. He was dead tired!

Rook sighted in the skies over Oktyabrya, yet the good Cap'n Kelvs and his merry adventurers party on.

Thanks for reading first edition of Bit o?Ur
Staff: Vera Strange, mira gaia maia , goodstory, arizoo.
Special thanks to: Faereluth
bit o' Ur - secrets special ed. (copy#121)
Everyone is making a line in Loimi Linger just to fill their jars at this amazing never ending swarm of fireflies.

Kevbob was caught planting yellow crumb for malevolent plans! He left just moments after this photo, leaving behind a dangerous axe.

With winter coming, we spent 5 days in the cold mountains searching for caverns where adventurous Glitches could make a fire to keep their little fingers and toes warm while staying hidden from the rooks or, perhaps, other Glitches.

Hunting for icons? There are some really cool things you can donate to Giants, if you use EHSP, a garden gnome can give 600 favor points, something like 10 caterpillars gives 1500 and with just one cubimal box you will get 1500 favor points from the giants.

Thanks for reading this special edition.
Staff: Vera Strange, Arizoo.
Special thanks to: Lord Bacon-o, Millie, Acreditando, mira gaia maia and varaeth.
Bit o' Ur (n?1) #178
What's the rush? There are trees for everyone to climb!

The new hot tub in Callopee has steamy vapors that will even clean all that mining dust from your pores!

A Glitch fights for a better world for children! Who knew a fruit infestation could be so beautiful?

Faereluth was just about to catch up to Kevbob when he up and died. He was dead tired!

Rook sighted in the skies over Oktyabrya, yet the good Cap'n Kelvs and his merry adventurers party on.

Thanks for reading first edition of Bit o?Ur
Staff: Vera Strange, mira gaia maia , goodstory, arizoo.
Special thanks to: Faereluth
BOU - January issue
Creative BOU (Bit o'Ur) issue for January

One of the reasons I started BOU is because I like new things, specially new ways of doing the same old things, that's why this is writen on paper instead of a blog, and it's also available in auctions so anyone can buy it and put it inside their pockets.

I bet many of you don't know about the lost blog, the one with some amazing pieces of work that didn't made the final cut for this game.

The Russian girl behind some of the most beautiful locations in glitch, like Cerbakul and Kristel_Kaos, continues to create some amazing and yammy work. &

Something that reminds me a lot about glitch is the recent work of David Lanham, really unique and colorful stuff.

And at last, jojo5000 the most popular guy with a beard is puting everyone in wonder with his mysterious outfit, who is he?

Thanks for reading this issue,