Emily Goodenough

I'm no one special.... So why would I need status symbol clothes? (Adult / Aspergers / Autistic) Goodbye cruel world...


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Lorian Lorian added Emily Goodenough as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago

Piano Party

Emily Goodenough

I miss all you lovely glitchen so much! ((((((hugs)))))) A fair chunk of us have moved to "Here be monsters" on facebook.... there is also a large community of gender-benders in IMVU.... look me up either place. (same name everywhere as much as possible) Me, I was lucky enough to be born with the right body for my brain, I just got the defective brain that doesn't recognize subtext and hidden meanings... facial expressions, body language, hints and inuendos are all LOST on me no matter how hard I study... and then I have that thing where I cant look in your eyes anyway... but in Glitch we just WERE. *sigh* Sorry to ramble.... just know you're not the only lost soul.... ((((hugs))))


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Emily Goodenough

I WANT IINNNNNNN! I want to squeeze a piggy, and pet a tree, and milk a butterfly, and to go plant all the Groddle public gardens full up....

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For the wood tree...
Give my wood tree a sprinkle if he goes missing a plank please!
A note from EmilyGoodenough
I wish it could have been longer... there will never be another to equal this place...