Stinky Binky


Hardcore Carnivore Stinky Binky earned the Hardcore Carnivore badge
a long time ago
Stinky Binky's auction of 4x Mega Healthy Veggie Juice, for 160 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
MirandaJoRawson purchased Stinky Binky's auction of 4x Mega Healthy Veggie Juice, for 160 currants.
a long time ago
Woodworking Stinky Binky finished learning the Woodworking skill
a long time ago
Stinky Binky's auction of 15x Scrumptious Frittata, for 900 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Lanternerer Stinky Binky earned the Lanternerer badge
a long time ago


A note!
That's a lot of pigs. Have a nice day!
You ate the whole pie?
That's QURAZY!
You found a note!
Well that was underwhelming.