

Thank you all who make this game a warm community and willing to play with me. Until we meet again, I will miss you all a lot.


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Oooh, very nice! I like the salmon-riding.

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Excellent! Salmon-riding is just what I need! Thank you! :)

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omg! that is so cool! how did you get that?

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Received my lovely pouch from Kukubee yesterday: Fitting perfectly with my iPod. I miss glitch and you guys. :3

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  1. Fluffernutters

    omg! that is so cool! how did you get that?

    1 reply

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Dear Baldi :)
Did any one tell you about this group? I'm there if you want to keep in touch after the end.

And my e-mail is

You are always my dear and important friend. (Not that you were becoming my friend as you said :P)
Lots of kisses and hugs.

How am I gonna miss this world. I guess I already start missing.

Your 2nd floor is done, surprise!
So hard to let it go...
I am a stubborn person, which is never easy for me to let go my favorite things, like the Glitch community. I guess now it's the time then.

I will definitely gonna miss everything in Ur.

Thank everyone for playing with me until the end. I love you all <3
I was soulless, soullessbroken downhollow as a ghost
but you have brought me back to lifeAnd revived the hope
Take me home...will you?

-for everyone in Ur