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Glitch really should have timed the closing to coincide with today. I think I'm just saying that because it would have meant more time in the world though haha.

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I have a couple of snaps I'm saving for right up until the end, but I'm really hoping against hope that it won't end...that we all can keep talking at each other for forever. I really hope that...we'll have much less to argue about, now that the tree wars are over and there are no piggies to rescue. I'm interested in growing and maintaining friendships here, and I don't see why the devs can't keep the website open forever...sooooooo? You need a chat mod? I volunteer! *snort*

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I'd be in favor of that. I miss being able to chat with people!

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  1. KitchWitch

    Awesome hon, I agree....so voice your support in this forum, k... www.glitch.com/forum/genera... The more the merrier! It might not change anything, but yah....the only thing that changes things is enough folks speaking out. We may not be able to save the game, but by gosh, there's no good reason why we can't save the community of players! xoxo!

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Hon, it's not over until the fat lady sings, as they say, and hon, Helga hasn't sung yet, so keep your eye out. In the meantime, we're still here, so....party on!!!

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I'm doing as much of that as I can right up to the end!

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hey sweets, still here! I've been crazy all along (have yet to be diagnosed with that particular disorder) and yah, other games leave me feeling floaty and not invested. I'm glad Glitch cut us loose when it did cuz I was SO invested, but yah....feeling a tad lost and aimless myself without all the goings-on of glitch. What will we do?

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That pretty much sums up how I feel about the game.

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Status update

It's so sad to come back here now. Still hard to believe it's all over!

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  1. KitchWitch

    Hon, it's not over until the fat lady sings, as they say, and hon, Helga hasn't sung yet, so keep your eye out. In the meantime, we're still here, so....party on!!!

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