
Canadian. Seems quite nice, but can be evil. Smokes, drinks, likes city life. 18 Remember yr.18


acro, obviously

Rest in peace, friend. (ETA - previously unpublished for the sake of privacy. Now I am inclined (with no ill will or lapse of respect!) to let people know that we lost our dear Xocd last September, right around the same time we lost Tragus. I trust their unimaginings were swift and bright, and that they've both been re-imagined by now with as much light and cleverness as they brought to us before. <3


Thanks for publishing this, acro. If Xocd were still with us he'd be madder than hell about the closing. I like to think that the afterlife is spent in Ur and he is jumping around all the unreleased lands having a ball.


Cowboy Cowboy added Patricia as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Kip Konner Kip Konner added Patricia as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago

The WORST party ever...


I'd love to be dead again.

Reply to
acro, obviously

Darlin', I turn 42 tomorrow. I get it, and have a funny story to share on the topic. Be well, love. <3

3 replies

Status update

Happy Birthday, acro! I hope you a have a great day and the best year. LOTS of (((HUGS)))

0 replies
Reply to
acro, obviously

P.S. - if you've not written me before please to share your game handle in the subject line so I don't assume you are spam.

1 reply

Status update

Happy New Year, acro!!! I've been lurking. Will be in touch soon, ((acro))

0 replies


A note!
Hi Specklet -

I see you don't have a butler (lucky YOU).

I visited today for the first time. I love your house design.

I planted the herb gardens with some of everything.
I also cleared & replanted the 3 trees. I hope that was OK.
I am sending you something in the mail.

- Patricia