oh my giants...seriously TS - wallpaper for this please...pretty please ... had no idea there was a comet *stunned at the creativity and beauty TS's Awesomers always deliver*
Holly Waterfall
Firestone-if you "right click" on the image above and save the image to a file in your comp, then you can go to that file and "right click" again and choose "set as desktop background" and you should be all set. Great pic!
12 years ago
How did you do that??
12 years ago
thanks Holly, I was kinda hoping TS would do one to add to their page of them - of course - without me standing in it - I really didn't realize the comet was there until the snap snapped lol, so just thinking they could do a better job of it.

and Shep, if you mean the 'red heart' - it seems to naturally occur - or if there is a trigger, I have no idea what it is, as it happened several times while I was in the area.
12 years ago
I know what it is! Way to the right there are three stalagtites in the foreground. If you click them from longest to shortest, the heart will show up.
12 years ago
ooh...thanks Aliera!
12 years ago
Firestone1960 Firestone1960 snapped this
at 6:17am on November 1, 2012
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