This is pure hell!
Brib Annie
So cruel!
12 years ago
And 0 iMG I bet.
12 years ago
The Pheebs
I think if you drink wine of the dead before grabbing the qurazy quoin then you might get the iMG
12 years ago
Innie?, Obviously
Nope pheebs, I was on wine. 0img
12 years ago
Pure hell indeed!
12 years ago
It is HELL after all, it's supposed to be frustrating...
12 years ago
Innie?, Obviously
12 years ago
Adding more hell to your Hell eh Tibbi?
12 years ago
Oh yeah!
12 years ago
This confuses a lot of people, wine of the dead simply restores the ability to function semi-normally it doesn't restore mood. To get iMG from a quoin you must have high mood (ideally max). Drink the wine, *then* drink a ton of butterfly milk (or similar) to get to max mood, *then* hit the quoin.
12 years ago
Innie?, Obviously
You can't ever get max mood in hell. Not ever. The img quoins will forever be worth 0 img in hell.
12 years ago
A Fleebness
This is lovely! I wonder if they regard it as a bug, or will leave it in just to torment people in hell. I kinda hope they leave it in, as it's just too funny this way.
12 years ago
What IS hell for if not for torment?
12 years ago
Innie?, Obviously
A Fleebness, i agree. I think its super funny!
12 years ago
Carl Projectorinski
Kevbob has said that they consider it a bug, but a number of us already cried at him, "No, keep it! It's FUNNY!"
12 years ago
Aleph Zero
If we can keep them without having hellspawned qurazy quoins counting against our daily spawn total in the above-world, I'm all for keeping them. If not, I'm still mostly for keeping them.
12 years ago
Innie?, Obviously Innie?, Obviously snapped this
at 6:59pm on May 7, 2012
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