
I am a good little Glitch imagined on Hairday, 19th of Primuary, Year 18 at 9:00 pm. Proud member of the Kaya Co-op.


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Salted Egg #5 - What could go wrong? Featuring my favourite Giant. ^_^

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AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! It's the End of the Line!!!

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  1. Smallchalet

    Yes it is... but at least there's the silver lining. Our page / profile will stay. So, we can still visit and flip through all our snaps from time to time. I am glad about that. *:)

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It must be the piggies. Petting pixel piggies soothes all.

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Little Poundcake

Creepy street! I'm getting out of here.

Little Poundcake

Tamila, but blinged out with rock necklaces, rook skulls, and carnivorous plants. And fog.


Looks like a battleground in the fight against the Rook.

Little Poundcake

Same area, just shifted over to the right a bit.


I am sad
I missed the dress like a dev party because of RL stuff. Had a bad feeling this would happen.... and I was so ready to be faux-eric too.
Welcome o0epik0o
Welcome to Glitch! I and a friend of mine took the liberty of giving your street a Chicken and 3 Piggies as well as 3 Piggy Feeders. ^_^
Thank you for Glitch
Thank you for the wonderful game and the beautiful memories.

I hope that you finally get to make a neverending game and I hope I will be playing it.