Kazehas' Snaps

I will!
Stop mocking me. :(
Settling in for some drinking.
Okay, okay...
Ah, old friends.
Yay, Smuggler!
Heli-kitty on my old home street!
Sure, why not? What's the worst that could happen....?
Oh no, the Rook!
Taz is all blue!
I've got pigtails!
Subway muzak.
Riding the trains with Civilians. :)
I've got the Glow!
Stinking to the high heavens.
Indeed, I'll bring out some butter for you.
There's eyes in the darkness...
Enjoying the view on the cliffs.
I love the butterflies.
Indeed! Let's get cracking!
7 Ball!
Such a feisty cubimal.
I can see the nubbins from here!
I'll accept that Lemburger and pay you back Fryday!
I see you.....
Why I think I will!
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