Status update
Kitsune Kyomoon

I dreamed Stoot held a contest and a few lucky Glitchen were invited to tour Ur one final time. It turned out that it was all actually a test to find the one true Glitch worthy of carrying on the dream. I thought about all this after I woke up and realized yes, absolutely, why not? Stoot and all the other folks at Tiny Speck who poured their hearts, souls, and lives into this "World of Pure Imagination" really are the Willy Wonkas of the real world. So to them and the rest of us, I offer:

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  1. Kitsune Kyomoon

    Gosh the lyrics are sooooo Glitchy, I never realized until now.

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Status update
Kitsune Kyomoon

Gosh the lyrics are sooooo Glitchy, I never realized until now.

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