Status update

Dear Alph, are you listening, I know my voice is small but I hoped now that the world is kind of quiet you might just hear me. I did not want to leave Ur, I wasn't ready, even tho we were forewarned, it wasn't long enough for me to let go, you see I still had so much I wanted to do . . . I don't mean to make you angry . . . but I miss Ur so very much.

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2 replies
  1. Brib Annie

    Me too! The loss of Faunasphere was bad but this is so much harder.

    2 replies

  2. Pirate Apples

    Oh Fae.... big hugs... I know they are not big enough to engulf your loss... but my hugs are trying very hard

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Status update
Pirate Apples

Oh Fae.... big hugs... I know they are not big enough to engulf your loss... but my hugs are trying very hard

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