Status update
? Lorelei ?

LOVE all the new quests. NOT excited about one of them, though: I already have all 11 icons and was THRILLED not to have to deal with EHSP and Favor Savor and max donation amounts per day and all that mess. Now I will have this quest sitting in my queue forever...until I break down due to slight OCD tendencies and grind out YET ANOTHER icon. (#firstworldproblems) I know, I know, some of my Glitch friends are completely unsympathetic about this and think that those of us QQing about it are being redonkulous. I'm sorry. I love everything else 100%, but GAH MORE EMBLEM COLLECTING GRRR. I'm sorry if my little hinge bugged you in any way. I'll get over it. Because...did you guys see all the COOL NEW STUFF we just got for Glitchmas and the SHINY NEW QUESTS (except *that* one)? That's totally rad, amirite? xoxo

7 replies

7 replies
  1. ? Lorelei ?

    Er, little whinge, with a "w", as in big fat whiny baby tears and stuff. Golly, I got so heated about this that I totally borked my spellingz.

  2. Lucille Ball

    You should get credit if you have an icon. I was mighty glad that I'm still working on mine. Four more to go.

  3. Myuki

    If you had some friends offer one emblem each, it would make it a lot easier for you. What icon might you remake? I could donate one to your cause. :) I've only got 4, so I'm not in any hurry.

    1 reply

  4. Frandroid

    Hey, I might be able to help you with that. Have you heard of the group "Emblem Trading, Icon Creation"? It's basically a group that helps people get icons. I won't go through the details, but in a couple of days to about a week I should have 11 emblems of Alph, let alone 11 icons of the rest of the giants. As I've already iconised Alph myself, you can iconise Alph if you want. Of course, you'll have to wait until I get all of the emblems which, as I said, may take up to a week (perhaps longer), but the offer stands if you ever need it.

    1 reply

  5. Halfabee

    My only beef with the new quests is how everyone got them at basically the same time. So now you have a lot of players all trying to do the same things at once. I also tell myself that just because I have a quest in my log doesn't mean I have to do it right now. I've got 5 Lem emblems (from the 1511 quest) so I'm on my way to an icon anyway. But I'm not going to try to grind out an emblem a day.

  6. Wintera Woodswitch

    That was my very first thought on seeing the icon quest, too. Thankfully, I'm working on my last two, so it won't stop me, but I would have been really mad if I had finished them!

in reply to

Status update
Wintera Woodswitch

That was my very first thought on seeing the icon quest, too. Thankfully, I'm working on my last two, so it won't stop me, but I would have been really mad if I had finished them!

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