Status update

I got kicked out before the end. I'm soooo sad I didn't get a chance to finish seeing all the regions and saying good bye to everyone! I'm going to miss everyone so much. :'( Hopefully we shall meet again in another game! Look for me as either Kaepora Glitch or KarporaGlitch (some like 2nd life didn't allow spaces). :)

3 replies

3 replies
  1. Magic Monkey

    You didn't miss much -- everything was so badly lagged that almost nothing (including chats) worked in any timely fashion.

  2. Djabriil

    Same here. I was on my way to Hell One to hang out with Trisor, when Grendaline popped up... and that was the last straw for me, apparently.

  3. Kaepora

    Ok. I just wish I could have been in there to chat one last time (even if it was super laggy), and to get my own snap of a helikitty. :( Well, at least I got to play until almost the end and chatted a bit with people earlier in the day! :)

in reply to

Status update

Same here. I was on my way to Hell One to hang out with Trisor, when Grendaline popped up... and that was the last straw for me, apparently.

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