Status update

I feel more lonely than usual tonight. I miss you all. I would love to be running around Ur, and bumping into and saying hello to the Glitches I knew. Meeting new Glithces and becoming friends. I miss the memories I never made. I love and miss you all.

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Zuzu Zero

    Hello Ninja how are you I miss you as well :D

  2. Doctor A. T. Morgue

    Please keep in contact; I miss the people here, even those I didn't interact with a ton. I'm addertwist on Tumblr, doctormorgue on a lot of other places and Maughan Heinrich-McPartlan on Facebook. Tii be with you.

in reply to

Status update
Doctor A. T. Morgue

Please keep in contact; I miss the people here, even those I didn't interact with a ton. I'm addertwist on Tumblr, doctormorgue on a lot of other places and Maughan Heinrich-McPartlan on Facebook. Tii be with you.

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