Status update
Zany Serendipity

I found out by looking at the ones in the zip file - there were 100 snaps. I was looking for a couple specific ones, but they weren't there. So I checked here, and I took about 300 snaps. It did *not* "get fixed"... I had to download all the rest individually.

6 replies

6 replies
  1. Kaepora

    Oh, ouch! :( Where exactly did you look? I may have to do the same thing.

    1 reply

  2. Reserved One

    Whoa!!! hopefully you have them all now Zany :-)

  3. Kristen Marie

    I'm so glad I saw this - I double checked mine and the first time around didn't get all the pictures. My first instinct was to try the download and unzip again just in case. Now it looks like I really *do* have all my pictures.

  4. Osiris ?

    Oh jesus now I gotta check and make sure i have all 400+? DX

    1 reply

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Status update

Yikes : /

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