Status update

2 more skills left!! (With 1959% time penalty)

4 replies

4 replies
  1. Maxy Cat

    LEGENDARY NAME, man! But I'll catch up to you....

    1 reply

  2. iamafelix

    Right now I have six hours left on my last skill...

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Status update
Taco Assassin

I finally found out who u used to be!

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Status update

I know, you finally found out a was a baby carrot in disguise. But oh well.

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1 reply
  1. MoM4.6

    I <3 baby carrots! *lipstick stain smooch*

    1 reply

Status update
Taco Assassin

No, you were just pretending to be disguised as OMG BACON!! when your really a carrot, but your really just using the baby carrot disguise to hide the world from knowing your really a piece of the Billionare's Bacon, which is why you have so many disguises, because Stoot didn't want anyone to know! Phew that was alot of disguising!

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