
My Glitch has keyboard ADHD!!

For about a week or so my little avatar keeps on-a-going after I have stopped using an arrow key. Sometimes she actually walks more than half the distance of the street. No real biggie, I just switched to using the mouse much more often. But now I am having the same issue in the cultivate mode when I want to place a garden plot. The durn plot is sliding way over and I am not able to place it where I prefer.
Is there a fix for this?

Posted 12 years ago by PurpleLogic Subscriber! | Permalink


  • So I have been told this is a FLASH bug. I only have this problem in Firefox. I play two accounts, one in Chrome and one in FF. Both have severe house lag, but only the FF account has the keep on trucking issue. If this is indeed a FLASH bug, wouldn't it affect both browsers? Is there a FF flash fix? I a using the debugger version on both accounts.
    The LAG is absolutely horrid in my house and after i go back into the world until i reload.
    Posted 12 years ago by IndigoRainbow Subscriber! | Permalink
  • When it happens, do as glum pudding says in this post:

    "If you are uncontrollably walking left, press the left arrow key.  If you're running right, press the right arrow key.  You can also try jumping around a bit to stop the running."
    Posted 12 years ago by Millie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have had this happen too.  It's a lag issue.. as opposed to the 'stuck key' issue :)  Try to minimize lag anyway you can: reload, remove large amounts of items in home or on street, clean cache, reboot... whatever you can :)
    Posted 12 years ago by RainyRain Subscriber! | Permalink