
Restore Patch Project has a bug.

So I used up one of my tree patches. So I had to provide beans, bubbles, vapour and cherries; that was no problem. Then I had to tend and irrigate. The project wouldn't let me. Said that I didn't have a hoe or watering can. But I had both a high-class hoe and an irrigator 9000. They had more units of wear than were required, but I fixed them both to full to make sure. Still didn't work. So I had to make a regular hoe and a regular watering can before the project would work. This needs to be fixed please.

Posted 12 years ago by Jodi the Giggler Subscriber! | Permalink


  • In these cases, you need the exact item that the project asks for. A regular watering can and a regular hoe.
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • But why, kevbob?

    There is no distinction between variants for normal use so distinguishing between them for a project is just confusing.
    Posted 12 years ago by Dr Evanzan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Dr Evanzan- current home projects are built like street projects used to be. The job to do a task required the very specific item; the one that matches what is named in the project pop up. We're looking at changing it for these projects though. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks, kevbob but I understood the mechanics of the thing just not the reasoning behind it.
    Unless you are saying it was an initial oversight which hasn't been fixed yet, I don't understand why you require a specific lower-grade item (be that in the original Street Projects or now) when in normal circumstances there is no distinction between using the lower and higher grade items.

    Sorry to keep going on about this, but I'm clearly not the only one who found this confusing.
    Posted 12 years ago by Dr Evanzan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah, thanks for the support and understanding Dr Evanzan.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jodi the Giggler Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Dr Evanzan- perhaps I wasn't clear, I apologize. Let me redo it. This isn't really a bug; it is a holdover behavior from how street projects were done before we did the last one sometime in November or early December. If you didn't participate in those, this is how "projects" worked, we specified tasks that needed to be done for the job, and also specified the tools, which were manifested in the dialogs that say specifically what tool could be used. Once those were completed, the new street was finished. So essentially, the projects at homes use the same mechanics as street projects did.

    With that said, I did above say we are looking at changing how this works for home projects (or, using any of the same class of tool to do the portion of the project), but it will probably be several days before anything can change. So, a little patience for this for at least a few days.

    I hope that is clearer. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hi again, kevbob.

    Wires are definitely being crossed and it probably doesn't help I have never contributed to a street project.
    However, I fully understand that this behaviour is inherited but am questioning the initial design choice and it is this I'm trying to comment upon.
    Which is to say, specifying the need for different tools by action, such as mining (hence, using a Pick) versus digging (hence, a Spade), is understandable and contributes to the narrative of the event. That's lovely.
    Differentiating between different versions of the same tool, particularly where you only allow the lesser version whose function is naturally subsumed by that of the greater version, is confusing because people associate with the action to be performed and not the tool with which it is performed.

    But anyway... this is a question of semantics and not really important so...

    ----------Bottom Line--------------

    Thank you, kevbob.
    We look forward to this change being implemented but realise that this is not a major issue and I'm sure we can all wait a little while for it. :-)

    Posted 12 years ago by Dr Evanzan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I actually like it being like this 'cause now I finally have a reason to get those tinkering badges...
    Posted 12 years ago by WeavingTheWeb Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Dr Evenzan,

    Back in the original street project contributions could actually get quite competitive. There were significant rewards for being a top contributor on a street. Not only items but units of labor went into calculating the total percentage. If you happened to be carrying the "right" tool it could give you the edge over someone who was not.

    I believe this is why (or a big reason why) the original street projects were designed that way. Now as to whether it should stay that way now that the competition aspect of projects is gone? Probably not. Which is why I'm glad staff is looking into changing it. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by SkyWaitress Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah, to followup what SkyWaitress said, this was a 'you had to be there' kind of thing. It's really not worth thinking too much into at this point.

    But it's complicated to change how it works, so we ask for some patience while it's being redone. 
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks, kevbob. No probs.
    Posted 12 years ago by Dr Evanzan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ok, the less super charged tools will work in projects now!

    So, if you have an Irrigator 9000 and not a Watering Can, and the project needs water, it will accept the Irrigator 9000. If you have a Watering Can but no I-9k, that will work too.
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you, kevbob! :-D
    Posted 12 years ago by Dr Evanzan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Meh ;)
    Posted 12 years ago by WeavingTheWeb Subscriber! | Permalink