
[known issue] Bug or just the way it is ?

Upgraded the machines to 50% more and the amounts are correct. Problem now is with the fuel levels. I can make 60 boards at a time but currently my fuel level is 54 which means I can not add fuel.  So the 60 isn't possible every time. 

An interesting work around that might take awhile to make is this - fuel tablets !
They would only take half the ingredients and only be worth half the fuel but would be able to allow us to add smaller amounts. 

Posted 12 years ago by BlackWolf Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I agree! Except I have a better idea! Make fuel cells worth only 1 unit, but make it so we can make 500 of them at a time. Make em stack at 500 in our inventory. Then whenever we refuel, it'll always be able to refuel to 100, assuming we had enough fuel cells in our inventory. It'd literally be the same as it is now, except more flexible!

    (1 fuel cell is worth 50 fuel, can make 10 at a time, and stack them at 10. This is current. My scenario would make it 50 fuel cells worth 1 fuel, making 10 times that amount at a time, 500, and stacking at that same amount)

    ... I'm going to post this in Ideas.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lorraine ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Just incurred this problem myself.

    Makes the cards a waste of iMg as you can't get any useful use from them
    Posted 12 years ago by IrenicRhonda Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The trick is to use it until it hits 50, then add another fuel cell. I run in large batches so I can make best use of the tool and resources, but inevitably I run into a similar situation. The machine tells you how much energy will be used to make something, so downgrade one batch to make it terminate with enough there to add a fuel cell (or two). 
    Posted 12 years ago by Woochi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Agreed, I think the fuel capacity should be at least 2x the maximum number of uses (or perhaps 2x-1).
    Posted 12 years ago by Janitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • check known issues " Mad Machinist upgrades not letting you use the machine to full potential based on fuel limits- no reports needed"
    Posted 12 years ago by armi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah, it's waiting for some more tweaks to straighten it out. Sorry!
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink