
Game not detecting flash on IE 10 in Windows 8 Metro screen


This is really not a bug I think. When you try to enter the game using IE on the metro screen, you get a warning that flash is not installed. When you try to get flash, Adobe will tell you that flash is installed, but the game can't recognize it.

The game works if I use the IE browser on the classic desktop.

So if anything this is just me asking if Glitch will ever work with the metro screen.


Posted 12 years ago by Snuffleupagus Subscriber! | Permalink


  • The Metro version of IE10 does not support third party plugins, the only way to "fix" this would require Glitch to switch to a non-third party platform (HTML5, CSS3, JS etc.)
    Posted 12 years ago by Kamer Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I thought Metro IE10 was supposed to have a compiled-in version of Flash just like Chrome?

    - I think this was a recent change to IE10
    - The Flash version reported may not be flagged as compatible with the /game SWF
    Posted 12 years ago by Sturminator i` Subscriber! | Permalink