
Subway Achievement

I've ridden the subway 103 times but did not receive the "Ground Hogger" Achievement.
Bug? or am I missing something?

Posted 12 years ago by Stormy Weather Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Stormy, it's a known bug. The counter for the badge wasn't working at some point, I believe. 

    That said, the counter can be a bit off for each player, but it's consistent. So if it takes you, say, 10 extra rides to get the first subway badge, it should also take 10 extra rides to get the next one, and so on.

    You probably aren't too far off from earning the badge :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Millie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Gotcha!  Thanks Millie.
    Posted 12 years ago by Stormy Weather Subscriber! | Permalink