
New Screen Refresh Rate

Since it was updated (I think a few months ago now) the new screen refresh rate makes game play harsh on the eyes. It gives a bit of a constant strobe light effect - what I like to call seizurific... I haven't played much in a while, but keep checking back in - hoping it was temporary- seeing as how it hasn't changed I thought it was time to say something. I used to really enjoy playing - hopefully you can find a way to return game play to the smooth transitions it used to have when you walk. 

Posted 12 years ago by Dellinger Subscriber! | Permalink


  • We changed the framerate one time about 1.5 years ago -- we moved it from 24 to 30fps -- which makes things smoother, not strobe-ier. There have not been any substantial changes to that since, and I'm personally unaware of any similar complaints.

    If you are able to make a video of the problem with another device, like a phone, I'd be interested to see what you are seeing.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jono Subscriber! | Permalink
  • FWIW, with the latest Flash plug-in update, I'm finding game play much smoother. OP, you have my sympathies.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pascale Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This changed around the last housing update. I can try to video it. 
    And I thought that the point of BETA was to mention issues not give "sympathies" every time something is mentioned. I keep seeing people post "oh the staff works so hard" etc... I'm sure they do but they asked to have issues reported...
    Posted 12 years ago by Dellinger Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Maybe this helps... It's not the characters, they move smoothly. It's something in the background almost like the frames "jump." We've noticed it on 3 computers and have high speed internet. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Dellinger Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Not trying to be critical but could you reshoot those with the ceiling fan off?  I watched both of them and it was hard to make out any other flickering. 

    If you google "video screen capture Windows 7" there's a few good programs that come up that might be better than a cell phone. Not sure how it works and may have to try it out this weekend but it looks like Win7 has one built in .... 
    Posted 12 years ago by BlackWolf Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Actually capturing with the computer will most likely cause the problem to go away.

    Unfortunately I'm also not able to really see what is flickering; I might have seen some lighting changes but it looked more like the camera adjusting exposure.

    If you are simply seeing frames skip occasionally, that is a normal part of gaming. We're working on improving it, but it's a factor of how powerful your computer is -- occasionally it doesn't have time to render a few frames of animation in order to keep up with everything else being asked of it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jono Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I sometimes notice 'screen tearing' with the background when moving, sorta like when you play a computer game with VSync off with more than 60 fps framerate. But, in glitch, it happens more when the FPS is struggling.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lorraine ? Subscriber! | Permalink