
Hair colour no longer available

I mentioned this in a comment to the staff post about the new Your Looks button, but the post has since been unstickied and I'm not sure whether or not staff are checking it any more.  So I've taken the liberty of posting here!

The black hair in the vanity palette has been changed to "Deep Steel Grey".  I can select an old "Look" that uses the original black, but I can no longer change anything else about that outfit without being forced to ALSO update the hair to the new grey.  This is a bummer (a minor one, but a bummer), since I like the new facial features and would like to use some of them along with the black hair.  There is another black hair choice in the top row of the vanity ("Oil Slick Black"), but it looks different from the old black (more... streaky?), and I don't like it quite as much.

My glitch is currently wearing the original shade, but she's "stuck" with the entire look that used it.  I'd like to be able to use that colour along with the new features that have since been added, without being forced to switch to grey.

For reference: ;
Original black on the left, new black in the middle, grey on the right

Posted 12 years ago by Pale Queen Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Not sure why they couldn't have kept the original color as another shade. They have plenty of UI space for the extra square, why not use it? =/
    Posted 12 years ago by Lorraine ♪ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It looks like this specific one changed several weeks ago, but we'll take a re-look at the color for that swatch, PQ. 
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks, KB!
    Posted 12 years ago by Pale Queen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ok, we're going to leave this as it is; it was changed to make it more consistent with other colors in there. We'll likely have more to choose from in the not too distant future though, so there will be more to look forward to that we hope you'll like. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Fair enough!  However, I did notice one thing you may want to look into.  I've changed my hair to the new Deep Steel Grey colour, but it switches to the old black when I am climbing a ladder or a tree.  Here ends my report on the very important issue of MY HAIR.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pale Queen Subscriber! | Permalink