
Subway Rides

The process of getting the subway badges has been long and ongoing, but lately I'm having even more trouble getting it to count as a "new ride". I've tried waiting it out, meditating, processing stacks of items in between, alternating the directions, but nothing seems to work consistently. Once I got on a train after a new day (6 hours or so later) and it didn't give me the 60 second wait time! Does anyone have a workaround/noticed this at all?

Posted 12 years ago by Kayesem Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Well, how do you know it didn't count as a 'new ride'?

    There's a 'counter' that says first time here, 2nd visit, 3rd, 53rd visit, whatever. However this counter is not exact. It is merely the number of times you've visited the subway station, not how many times you've payed for a ride. You can get your counter up and inaccurate by dying on the subway, refreshing, etc.

    Really, the subway badges are much harder than they look. They're huge numbers! Though if you're sure you haven't gotten a badge when you've literally counted the times, you should file a report, just to be on the safe side.

    My advice is, bring some cooking or crafting to do while on the train. You can meditate as well. The count also doesn't go up if you hop on the same train again. If you didn't get the 60 second wait time, that means that you just hopped on another train that was just about to leave! So I believe the count doesn't go up there. Basically, if you get off a train, the instance (the subway cart so to say) is still there. It waits 60 seconds, if somebody gets on, it keeps going, but if nobody gets on it, it goes away and the instance dies (my thinking/belief). But if you got on your own train or somebody else's, I believe that it doesn't count.

    Alternating directions each train is the best thing I believe.
    Posted 12 years ago by Palindrome Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hopping on the same train - that's what I meant by it not counting as a "new ride". Like I said, sometimes I come back after hours/a new day and I will still inadvertently get on the same train, sometimes I will alternate trains without getting the wait time,  sometimes I can immediately get on another different train right after getting off of one. I'm not complaining about not having attained the final badge yet, I'm saying there is something broken and the 'gap' between rides and instances on the train is getting wider and wider although I try and avoid messing it up by dying or etc.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kayesem Subscriber! | Permalink
  • There are definately bugs with the subway count. I recently got the commuter mug (103 rides) but my visit counter was well over 110 before I got it. And people getting the highest one (500ish) have to ride at least an "extra" 40-50 times to get the badge.

    There is no way of knowing for sure which ones are the extra ones, but it isn't because we're dying inside the subway.
    Posted 12 years ago by Yendor Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Finally got my badge at 597 instances on the subway. I know I timed out quite a few times, but damn! When I got my 253 badge I think I was only ~300ish, so my gap got a quite a bit bigger in the last week or so. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Kayesem Subscriber! | Permalink