
Pigs plopping the wrong seeds?

I thought this was fixed, but apparently not. So I fed my pigs (2 different ones I might add) cabbages and potatoes the other day (or perhaps yesterday) and ended up with a packet of onions seeds somehow. I dismissed this, thinking eh, it's nothing, until today when I fed a pig 80 potatoes and I'm getting back rice seeds when I haven't fed my pigs rice in a long while. I ended up with 27 potato seeds (which is correct) and 3 rice seeds from no where...

Posted 12 years ago by Ayasta Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Hi- this is in the known issues post. Sending us a report when you are in the game at the time it happens is preferable. Thanks for letting us know though! Something that has come back to haunt us somehow.
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink