
Auction Listing Price buggy :/

When listing auctions the price sometimes defaults to the lowest price even though I've typed in what I want to sell item for.
This is really frustrating and I've had to cancel many auctions because the price changes automatically.

Posted 12 years ago by ? ? Leď.Leď ? ? Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Yeah, I hate this.  I wish the suggested price was in another box altogether.

    I think it happens more often when I'm really quick, so if you give it a bit more time to load in the price before you start typing that might help.
    Posted 12 years ago by diaveborn ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Can you please give some exact steps to the problem? Thanks.
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • From an old bug report:
     I was auctioning things and put in a higher price than the recommended price, and confirmed it, but within that tijme it overwrote my price with the lower price. So the auction was posted at the lower price
    Posted 12 years ago by diaveborn ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • While you're at it, maybe there could be another look taken at the suggested prices that come up for powers etc... the suggested price for full powders comes up as what one use would be. And I know some people have been quick to put that on the auction instead of getting "full" price for their item.
    Posted 12 years ago by diaveborn ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @diaveborn ?:

    think you pretty much explained the problem I am having.
    I hope this is fixed
    Posted 12 years ago by ? ? Leď.Leď ? ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have had this same problem, but it typically only happens when I have inputted a price before the "current price in AH" data has uploaded.
    Posted 12 years ago by foolbunny Subscriber! | Permalink