
Energy Loss

I know this was mentioned a few days ago by someone, but I feel like I am losing energy super fast.  I have 4090 full tank and it took me less then 30 mins to lose almost all of it.  When my tank was less, i could almost go a whole game day without losing a full tank.  That doesnt make sense.  So just watching my tank now, when I am just walking randomly lost 33 energy!  Thats kind of alot for just walking. then while scraping barnies, I went from 1510 to 1471 in one scrape.  2 would be barnie cost, but 37 for no reason?  Something just feels off.  Its seems like the bigger I make my energy tank, the faster I lose energy.  I've died more in the last week from energy loss then I have in all my game play in 2 years.

Plus, using meditation to increase energy is pointless, since average gain is about 50, but Im losing 35+ while meditating!

Posted 12 years ago by Gadzooks Subscriber! | Permalink


  • my understanding is that you lose  0.8% of your maximum energy every 90 seconds.

    For a tank of 4090 that's 33 every 90 seconds

    I don't think there has been a change, at least I haven't noticed any effect

    edit to add from Humbabella's blog

    Energy Decay Over Time
    Every 90 seconds you lose 0.8% of your maximum energy.  More time played mean less value from maximum energy.  In fact, over 4 hours this adds up to 128% of your maximum energy, so if you play for an entire game day, start to finish, then this more than cancels out your daily energy refill.
    Posted 12 years ago by IrenicRhonda Subscriber! | Permalink