
[fixed, mostly] Clicking on Snapshot Automatically Downloads It

When I have a snapshot blown up to its largest size, it shows a "Download This Snap" button. But if I accidentally click on the snapshot itself, it downloads it automatically, even if I totally avoid the download button. 

Sometimes I am very uncoordinated and click on a window to make it active when it is already active. As a result I have many many many downloaded versions of snapshots that I do not want.

Is this some weird setting in my browser (Safari), or a Glitch thing? Either way, please help me stop downloading multiple giant image files onto my hard drive!

Posted 12 years ago by Sirentist Subscriber! | Permalink


  • So, this is something we are able to change on the large snaps going forward. For ones that were in this state before, it will remain the same way.
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hooray! Thank you, mostly!
    Posted 12 years ago by Sirentist Subscriber! | Permalink