
Real names mix-up?

So, I added 3 new Glitchen in a short time today, 2 newbies and 1 lvl 60. According to my homepage, where it says I friended them, they all have the same real name. But when I visit their homepage there's only 1 person with that name. This happened before this week when I added someone who showed up with the real name of someone I know from way before Glitch :/

I'm currently giving away Zilloween starter bags to low lvl players and for a moment I thought I was fooled by a lvl 60 ... please fix!

Posted 12 years ago by WeavingTheWeb Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Thanks WeavingTheWeb! We'll take a closer look at this.
    Posted 12 years ago by MrConkin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • In the last couple of days this happened to me too. In the News on my Profile three of my new contacts are given the same (RL) name, whereas their pages reveal that each has a different (RL) name.
    Posted 12 years ago by Myrrah Subscriber! | Permalink