
Encyclopedia Achievements Page

When you toggle "hide achievements earned" it USED to remove all the one's you've got, collapsing the page to a smaller length and leaving only unearned badges. 

NOW it's reverted to the behavior that preceded the new improved one described as above. Achieved badges are checked and faded-out, but still visible.

The truly hidden view is much more helpful.

Posted 12 years ago by Pascale Subscriber! | Permalink


  • hmm actually they fully hide for me
    but the page needs to remember it when we choose to hide the earned badges
    eventually we won't have to load ALL the badge images each time this way
    Posted 12 years ago by Lemo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It still works fine for me in which all the achieved badges are hidden. Maybe reload the page and try clicking the Hide button again?
    Posted 12 years ago by TomC Subscriber! | Permalink
  • *Now* it's working. Maybe some busy dev re-fixed it again. :D
    Posted 12 years ago by Pascale Subscriber! | Permalink