
Inventory Search Ignores Sprigs of Herbs

When I type "sprig" into the inventory search, it returns Icon of Spriggan, Emblem of Spriggan, etc., but not "Sprigs of Rookswort," etc., even though that is what I see when I mouse over a stack of more than one Rookswort, Rubeweed, or Gandlevery in my inventory.

If you drop all but one sprig, it loses its sprigginess. Apparently sprigs only happen in little posses.

Posted 12 years ago by Sirentist Subscriber! | Permalink


  • "Sprigs of.." is the plural with those herbs in our system. I'll run it by our  word and search-smith ministry to see if they want to add to the 'sprig' search function.
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink