
Learning Upgrade Cards Seem to be Slow in Being Offered

Don't know if there is a way to tweek how often we get learning upgrade cards, but they seem to be a bit out of balance/slow in being offered.  I'm nearly done with all the Animal Skills, but was just offered level IV for Animal Learning.  By the time I get offered level V, I will have probably learned all the animal skills.  Seems like I'm closing in on learning all the skills in other areas, and still have a few more learning skill cards to purchase for each of the areas.  Hoping that I don't learn all my skills before I am at least offered all the skill learning upgrade cards for these areas.  Would be a waste of iMG that I sorely need for my quoin multiplier and energy tank to spend them on skill learning upgrade cards for sets of skills that I've completed.

Posted 12 years ago by Holly Wolly Subscriber! | Permalink