
machines disappearing when collecting products they made

yesterday when I went to collect an urth block from my block making machine the machine and block disappeared today it was back but I made a fuel cell with my fuel maker and when I tried to collect it disappeared with the fuel cell!

Posted 12 years ago by barbbentforbeach Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Heya, send us a help case please- it happens when you fast click the machine and do an ever so slight drag quickly- and it sends it off to a corner of your house/back yard. Annoying bug!! But send the case in and we can get to it for you.
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My fuelmaker disappeared while using an entirely different machine. I went on livehelp and they told me to check the area. It was all the way at the opposite end of my yard. Again, was not using the fuelmaker when it teleported.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ziege Subscriber! | Permalink