
Caress, consider and contemplate status is per emblem

You guys probably already know about it, and it's probably intentional, but just in case it isn't, I'm posting it.
The caress, consider and contemplate status is per emblem, meaning that if you caress an emblem, give it to another person, they cannot caress it, because it's considered to be "caressed". Sam for consider and contemplate.

Repro Steps
Get someone to caress, consider and contemplate an emblem.
Get him to give it to you.
Click on the emblem.

Expected Behavior
The pop-up should come up, and allow you to caress, consider and contemplate an emblem.

Actual Behavior
Th pop-up comes up, but the caress, consider and contemplate actions are grayed out, and it says that I have already caressed, considered, and contemplated it today, which I haven't.

Posted 13 years ago by ChooJeremy Subscriber! | Permalink