
Not getting energy from radiating orb although still within limit

According to the daily max, I still didn't pass my daily limit on gaining energy from meditation (I have 240 to go). when people radiate around me, sometimes I get energy and mood, and sometimes it says I reached my limit. In any case the number on the daily limit doesn't update, only when I meditate myself (in which case I receive energy OK).

This is copied from the local chat window - in the order they happened:
You feel calmness radiating from PittyPat. +19 energy, +19 mood
You feel calmness radiating from Lance Lasersword. +10 mood. You would have gained energy, but you have received enough for the day.
You feel calmness radiating from Joe Blow. +3 energy, +7 mood

Posted 13 years ago by Nevet Subscriber! | Permalink