
Performance issues on MacBook Air


When I first started playing Glitch I played it on my MBA, Late 2008 model. It has 256MB VRAM, which by today’s standards may not be huge amounts but at that time seemed to be enough for Glitch just fine.

Then at some point fairly recently, it seemed like the backgrounds of the streets were made more fancy and exciting, with (many?) more overlapping layers to create more depth and Awesomesauce. Works great on my main Mac, but now my Air is almost entirely incapable of playing the game with. Frame rates drop to <5 fps whenever I walk around and the backgrounds scroll along, but if I'm at the edge of a screen it’s all fine and dandy—lovely 25+ fps no matter how many animals and players may be around.

If at all possible in Flash, perhaps detect how much VRAM is available? And if not, consider an option for simpler (more static) backgrounds for players with lower-end video cards?

I'm using the debug version of the Flash plugin so let me know if I can help in any way with perf testing, it might just be my machine in particular somehow.

Posted 13 years ago by KuraFire Subscriber! | Permalink