
Animal Kinship Skill dependencies

Not exactly a 'bug' per se, but. It doesn't really make sense to me to have AK7 dependent on RHK. None of the other AK skills are dependent on these side skills.

HK depends on AK2 and so does AK3. AK3 doesn't depend on HK though. Likewise, AH depends on AK4 and so does AK5, but AK5 doesn't depend on AH. So, I'd have thought it would make more sense for AK7 to just depend on AK6.

It's feasible that Glitchens might want to be one with the animals without feeling the need to keep herds of them in their house. They might not even want a house. Especially with the new way skills take longer the more you have, it seems churlish to penalise players who just want to commune with the wild animals...

Posted 13 years ago by RealJimBob Subscriber! | Permalink