
Broken Cooking Tool Flow Through

Filed an in-game report, but posting the text here in case the message is truncated.

There is a hitch in the menu when a cooking tool in a multi-step process breaks (in this case Cheesy Sammich).
Starting from the knife and board, use the frying pan to make buns.
If the frying pan breaks.....

Expected behavior:
You receive a message saying the tool broke
You have the option to go back a step with finish working with the buns you completed

Actual behavior:
You receive the error message saying the tool broke
You get the option to go back a step with the completed items.
The menu 'snags' at this point and you can see the "You want to use with a Knife & Board (typo btw)?" but no other interaction options, the 'oops your frying pan broke' remains.
You must X out of the window and start over to make a Cheesy Sammich

Keep in mind, it was the frying pan that broke, not the knife & board.

Posted 13 years ago by Travinara Subscriber! | Permalink