
101 gnomes (and leveling up)

Okay, so I did this to see what would happen if I did a double level up, and I don't think it worked right.

I was Level 51, and closing in on Level 52. I bought 101 gnomes, and donated them to Cosma. (Using EHSP, of course.)

I did get this message: "You donated to a Shrine to Cosma. Your favor with Cosma has increased by 639! You gain 121200 xp and gain 5 mood."

Expected behavior: Fanfare and bonuses for Level 52 level-up, click on my part, and then fanfare and bonuses for Level 53 level-up.

Observed behavior: Fanfare for Level 53 level-up. I clearly got some favor with the giants from this, but I didn't get any currants. None. (Sad face.) Looks like Level 52 also doesn't show up in the activity log on my home page. 

And of course, my favor with Cosma should increase by more than that. I zeroed her out before the donation. And I did get an emblem.

Edit: Coupla more things:
1. I went away to run an errand, and when I came back, I had an extra 24,000 currants, approximately.
2. I forgot that there was also an issue when I tried to buy the gnomes. It grayed out on me, and I thought maybe I didn't have space in my inventory or something. Everything got reaaaally slooowww, but I was able to walk away and did a little opportunistic mining or something. And then, blam! In came the gnomes! I will guess that it took about 60 seconds.

Posted 13 years ago by clare Subscriber! | Permalink