
New account on browser with existing Glitch cookie logs into existing account

So I've been occasionally playing Glitch on my buddy's computer while I stay with him (he offers a place to crash when I'm in town). He finally got curious enough to ask for an invite so I set him up through the Facebook invite system.  He entered his secret code (different from mine) but got logged straight into my account. I should have logged out my account (I've tried to keep other cookies/persistent logins off his computer) but missed Glitch.

I'm could see this being intended behavior, preventing smurfing from multiple accounts or ease of use of keeping a character logged in. I just envision multiple people sharing one computer and having some degree of confusion with their Glitch accounts. While this might be prevented once on signup by clearing the session info once someone logs in with a new account code, the confusion is going to continue as they try to keep switching accounts. On the gripping hand, two or more people sharing the same browser are going to have sorted out how to log into and out of accounts.

Posted 13 years ago by mutagen Subscriber! | Permalink