
Better Learning not correctly increasing ammount of skills without time penalty

Better Learning skill doesn't get rid of penalty from learning too much skills, so you gather penalty from exceeding limit of your skills, but when you increase the limit throught the Better Learning skill, the penalty stays. For example, I have 32 skills now and learning the Better Learning IV. I have gathered some percentual penalty to learning all my other skills by exceeding the skill limit over 28 which gives BL III. When I learn BL IV, I will have a limit of 32 skills, which I will be already over. Please make it so Better Learning actualy increase the number of skills you can know before the penalty kicks in, as is stated in the tooltip. This is not only confusing, but dissapointing too. I have tested this with Better Learning III, and I am currently learning BL IV to prove my findings.

Posted 13 years ago by Umrtvovacz Subscriber! | Permalink