
[known issue] The algorithm for finding shortest path between points is buggy.

When standing in Cebarkul, and setting your destination to Louise Pasture, The algorithm returns the following result:

Cebarkul -> Oktyabrya -> GFJ -> Adanac -> Blue Mountain Bore -> Meadow's Edge -> Estevan Hummock -> Ritzrock Rise -> Louise Pasture.

The shortest path is actually this:

Cebarkul -> GGW -> Flipside -> West Spice -> Louise Pasture.

The algorithm currently suggests a path that is nearly twice as long as the shortest path, and there may be other paths that are also not optimized. Exact shortest path algorithms are not computationally expensive, so I don't know whether this is a bug or whether the devs are using a heuristic to sacrifice exactness for performance.

Posted 13 years ago by zZzZzZzZ Subscriber! | Permalink