
Emblems not giving NEAR as much time bonuses as actual Favor.

A lot of players are wondering if this is a Bug, and we have been unable to get an answer.

An Emblem (which is supposed to be valued at 1k Favor, no matter how much you spent to get it) is not giving nearly the same time bonuses as spending pure Favor.

At about 25/26 hrs remaining to learn Better Learning V, I spent an Emblem of Lem (that I got for earning 1,200 Favor) to speed up the learning process.  It knocked a little over an hr from my timer.  However, at about 23 hrs remaining to learn BLV I am at a Shrine of Lem, and have the option to spend 800 Favor to speed up the process by 2 hrs 12 minutes.  

Given that this is more time off, for less Favor (it's been stated that an Emblem is worth 1k Favor, no matter how much Favor was earned to acquire it), I'm concerned that this isn't working as intended, as are many other players in game asking about it in Live Help.

Posted 13 years ago by EternaTea Subscriber! | Permalink