
Teleportation is a useful skill, but... (Special offer inside!)'s expensive! And who has the time to devote to teleportation when there are so many other important skills to learn?

Ah, "But Xev," you say, "I must invest in teleportation if I am to live on the edges of Ur and commute to all of the different places in the world! I wish I could afford to spend my time on other skills, but I cannot!"

Fear not, wee glitch, I have the solution! With Xev's handy scripts, you can turn my misfortune to your gain! I have invested far too much energy into teleportation, but in doing so gained the ability to write teleportation scripts and send you places you otherwise would have to spend a long time getting to!

Faster than the train, speedier than speed walkin' on spinach, Xev's TP scripts are the answer to all your troubles! 

Now offering:
* Instant access to the Cebarkul Tool Vendor (popular item!)
* ANY / ALL REGIONS OF UR, Upon request!
* The furthest reaches of the ancestral lands! Get your completist badges quickly and safely!
* The deepest caverns - great deal for all you miners out there!

Please note: Glitchen cannot teleport to locked or restricted areas (such as Ajaya Bliss, party locations, etc.) However, Xev will happily create a teleport script to the entrance to such areas upon request.

"Sure Xev, but how much does it cost?"
It costs however much you want it to - make an offer! (Auction fees and shipping rates may apply). In person trades are entirely acceptable! 

"I'm sold! How do I get my scripts!?"
Simply reply below with your request and price, message me in game, or purchase one of my scripts on the auctions! It's that easy! I will contact you with any necessary details.

- Bulk orders are cheaper! Mix and match, or get them all the same!
- Tour packages available! Completist badges are no longer arduous! Zip, zap, done!
- Quest options are available! Need to dig some dirt? Want to get to that last egg fast? Need to harvest that elusive wood tree? No problem! 

Posted 13 years ago by Xev Subscriber! | Permalink