
OMG reload?

OMG reload! (unrecognized msg:ClientConnectionProcessor.doConnect INVALID token)

^This is what I get after about 60% of the Loading-bar has filled.
Reloading doesn't really help, as the bar starts again from 0%.
Any suggestions on how to fix this? :(

Edit: OMG reload! (unrecognized msg:Player is not active, token expired)
^Another error.
You might want to raise the timespan after which a player is declared "not active".
I have DSL 384, or "DSL light", as our ISP puts it, and it takes up to 40/50 seconds until a level has loaded.
Please consider that there are people with slow internet connections wanting to play this amazing game. :)

Posted 13 years ago by Gorden Freemant Subscriber! | Permalink
