
Vendors (Spirits)

I'll address a few different items here, so I'll group them up by topics.

[Duplicate Vendors]
I noticed while playing that some of the vendors such as the "Produce" vendor sell duplicate items as the Produce vendor in an adjacent road. It was exasperating looking for vendors that had the item I needed, only to find that the vendors one road over were exactly the same as the one that I had just come from. I realize that this is unavoidable for places like the Forest Junction road, however I ran into this several times while traversing the Meadow area.
It would be great to have a larger variety of vendor types, and more items available for purchase. Honestly it is a pain doing most of the opening quests because I have to collect 30 different items just to make a Sammich or Omelet. At this point I just don't have enough bag space nor the currants to afford more bags. I wouldn't mind paying a premium for a piece of cheese, not to mention the search time for a vendor who sold it.

[Variance in Selling Price]
When selling to vendors, I noticed that the price was the same no matter what good I was selling to what vendor. The only exception was the Tools Vendor in Level 4 East of the mines, he seemed to purchase all of my goods at a slightly higher rate. It would make more sense if a Produce merchant was willing to pay more for a Tomato, and a Alchemist merchant was willing to pay more for say a Diamond. Just my 2 cents.

[Uncle Friendy's Emporium]
I was expecting this place to have a huge selection, perhaps at discounted prices! Unfortunately his selection was horrible, I believe it was duplicate of a Produce Vendor? What is the purpose of him having his own store when he only carries a handful of Produce items.

[Helga - the Drink vendor]
Maybe I never found it, but is the only drink vendor in Ix - West Spices? Probably my favorite vendor, would love a couple coffee shops somewhere.

[Auction Vendor]
This is somewhat unrelated to the above... It would be great to see auction type vendors in game where players can sell the goods they have made to other players. I realize there is the "Trading" system for player-to-player buying/selling but an auction system would establish a player-based in-game economy. Perhaps you could even remove the NPC vendors at a certain point or limit their appearance outside of the starting "noobie" area.
Edit: I just noticed Auction area under My Account, great to see progress has already started on that idea =]

Of course, all of my above suggestions are open for debate. Add in your own ideas and let's help Tiny Speck make this game the best it can be.

Posted 13 years ago by Austang Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Definitely agree on the Emporium. I think an earlier version of the test had more resources available there? Would be nice if there were one place where you could get almost anything you need, and the fact that he's got a whole building makes that the logical place.
    Posted 13 years ago by charliepark Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Double ditto on the Emporium. I thought for sure I'd found the place to buy a bun for my sammich, but it was pretty much exactly what the Produce Vendor had.

    I also found Helga in Baby Steppes.

    And yes on the duplicate vendors/prices. Seems to me that price should be based on supply/demand, but also distance from their respective plants, mines, etc.
    Posted 13 years ago by Herp Derp Subscriber! | Permalink