
Gamasutra article about Glitch

It's a pretty good read and they talk about some new skills they are adding. There's some swearing too! Potty mouthed devs!

Posted 13 years ago by Nine O'Five Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Good article, but what new skills did you see mentioned?
    Posted 13 years ago by FrankenPaula Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "We just added -- this is kind of a silly skill -- penpersonship, which is leading to a bunch of bureaucracy skills. Because I think bureaucracy is hilarious. When you want to build a house in the game, you have to get a permit. "
    Posted 13 years ago by mathy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • More future plans/ideas:
    "There's a real economy that's guided by vendors where we set the price for now. Eventually, we'll figure out how to like unpin each bit of the economy so that it floats free, but that's obviously really, really hard, and it will take us a while before we can completely float. That will be part of the gameplay as well."


    "So, there will be microtransactions for virtual items sales. There will also be subscriptions. And we're going to try a bunch of other things as experiments. So, for example, purchasable minigames on iPhone and Android that when you buy them, you unlock a new skill in the game, and when you get a new high-score, it increases your skill points."
    Posted 13 years ago by mathy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh there's 6 pages! LOL I just realized that, I only read page 1 originally. :)
    Posted 13 years ago by FrankenPaula Subscriber! | Permalink
  • i think glitch devs should probably spend more time talking to "design" blogs than gamer blogs. i'm not sure the audiences on those blogs really get it. gamers with a capital G with very specific tastes in what they are interested in.

    sure, as the interview describes 30% of that audience [or the commenters at least] think the ideas and potential are really cool .. but i think there are other venues where well more than 30% of people would be interested.
    Posted 13 years ago by striatic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I was happy to see someone talk about EVE. I really liked playing EVE for the complexity and player-created interactions, but in the end I couldn't get over the fact that it was mostly about conflict. Well, that and after a while, it's either you play for hours at a time or you have to call it quits and not play at all. :P I knew there was a reason I loved Glitch, and it's not just the quirky writing. HEHE!
    Posted 13 years ago by Lelu Subscriber! | Permalink