
Clicking on butterflies is annoying

When trying to click on butterflies I need at least a few attempts before I can get the popup associated with the butterfly. I'd suggest to make this less annoying, perhaps by letting the butterflies clicking area made larger and the butterflies 'stick' to your cursor.

Posted 13 years ago by Beta Subscriber! | Permalink


  • You can also press space bar to make your character jump up (do it just as the butterfly is above your head) and then press return. You'll get the popup for the butterfly that way without having to click on it.
    Posted 13 years ago by FrankenPaula Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've told devs this. The response is "Hey - it's hard to massage a butterfly in the real world what do you expect!?" followed by Franken's suggestion. I agree with you that it should be toned down, but they seem set in their ways.
    Posted 13 years ago by Flame Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Well, it is pretty easy if you use the enter key rather than the mouse and we intend to teach this during the tutorial, so fewer people will experience the same frustration! But, now that you know: help us pass it on!
    Posted 13 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I don't mind the slight difficulty with clicking on the butterflies to begin with ... it's them bouncing around during the massage-and-milk process that leads me to want them all to die. Perhaps certain levels of animal kinsmanship could get them to go docile once you click on them to start the process? If not, could we get some kind of terrible war cry which makes all of the butterflies flee the area and fly off into an adjoining room?
    Posted 13 years ago by Glassabean Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Glassabean: so long as I can click on the butterfly to begin with (which is the only difficulty I have), I just use the hotkeys from there.
    Posted 13 years ago by Trogl Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Trogi, I don't have a hotkey for the massaging (do you?). But soon, soon I pray, I shall be to squeeze the life out of them without having to touch them.
    Posted 13 years ago by Glassabean Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I find that the blasted butterflies tend to rise higher and higher as they flutter, leading to a situation where you can't jump high enough to get them to register with the enter key. In that situation, one is back to click click clicking.
    Posted 13 years ago by Jabberwocky Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I hath practiced the hotkeys speedily and am somewhat appeased. I still look forward to naming the flying scourge with the titles they deserve ...
    Posted 13 years ago by Glassabean Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I will try the jump and hit enter twitchy thing.
    I will find the hot keys.

    If you want to make this a hand eye skill thing I would be ok with that.
    But make it a game like thing. Don't have it just enter what looks like a normal menu thing, just jumping all around. Make it fun in some way. The way it is is not fun.

    Now where do I find those hot keys thing.
    Posted 13 years ago by Dementia Addams Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I use hotkeys, but the one I massage always flies out of reach before I can milk it. What am I missing? Is there a way to do massage-milk in one step while the butterfly is selected?
    Posted 13 years ago by EgIantine Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I use the keys and I still find it a pain in the backside, particularly when the game's laggy.
    Posted 13 years ago by wurzel Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It's a lot easier on a faster PC with a bigger screen and a mouse. I find trying to click on butterflies on a netbook-sized screen using a trackpad near impossible.
    Posted 13 years ago by James Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sometimes I have found a bug that if you double click the butterfly, the options box stays in place while the butterfly flies around. Makes it much easier to massage them. It is frustrating when I keep clicking massage and they move so that it clicks milk instead.

    Would be super helpful if the alert box stayed stationary while the butterfly flew around...
    Posted 13 years ago by Mimo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah, if the box stayed still it would be way better. When I jump and hit enter my character stays still, why cant the butterfly or the box?
    Posted 13 years ago by Cap'n Bob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I would agree if the box stayed stationary it would help - or failing that can it at least stay on 'massage' and use the arrow keys to move down the list? I'm finding when I try to click massage I end up trying to milk it and the butterflies don't like me haha :D
    Posted 13 years ago by Asphodel Nyx Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Agreed that if it's a hand/eye thing it ought to be made different to the normal way of interacting with things. The hotkey thing helps. What's been annoying me most about them is that there are so many other things to click on - not just other things that might be around in crowded spaces, but things that take up screen real estate wherever you are, like the rock, energy indicators, the map and so on. I've missed milking a few butterflies because I was accidentally petting a plant, or being told what the energy levels mean. It might be my co-ordination, but HL2 never made me feel so clumsy. Feel like I'm getting a reputation as a clumsy butterfly servicer and it's not my fault =]
    Posted 13 years ago by Hector Magnificent Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Jump and hit enter on a butterfly to make the menu appear. Use the arrow keys to make your menu choice. Hit enter again. Only use your mouse when you have to, makes the game a lot easier. The only 'hard' things are waiting for a butterfly to get in range and then following it to make sure you're still on the same one.
    Posted 13 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I was thinking the same thing but the arrow+return thing really helped. Thanks!
    Posted 13 years ago by Yew Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks for the suggestions. Guess I'm more of a pig fondler than someone who likes to deal with those pesky flying things :)
    Posted 13 years ago by Beta Subscriber! | Permalink